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 With the industrial machine, the operation of the equipment is very important. Therefore, our technical team has strive for build, design and then we created SERVICE CENTER.

SERVICE CENTER is a technical support center for all problems of the Barcode Printer with high quality and fast such as : inspection, consultation, repair, maintenance and replacement.  SERVICE CENTER tries to best to serve our customers, respond to their confidence and support.

Barcode Printer is the most important device and the largest costs when you invest to used print barcode sticker. In fact, many customer lack expert knowledge when using printer as well as maintenance, replacement. In addition, during the operate of printing, by manipulation of the user, due to the influence of the environment such as: temperature, humidity, dust and insects should unavoidable unintended errors for user.

 Common Errors :

  • Don’t print after received print command
  • Barcode sticker has scratches after printing
  • Failed printhead, Failed Labels Design Software
  • Failed power, Don’t receive print command
  • Paper out, Ribbon out…..

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When the barcode printer encounter one of the above errors please contact our company, for advice as well as provide maintenance services and replacement for you. All processes and repair will follow regulations of manufacturers, we’ll process as quickly as possible to your business operation uninterrupted.

Thanks for the attention and affection of customers has always co-operated with our company throughout the past years. We also hope in the future will continue to receive the attention and confidence of customers.

If you have any technical problem need support from us, please contact us ( hotline : 08.3588.5391 )

Best Regards !