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What’s barcode printer ?

sato-pageBarcode printer is a dedicated printer, often connected to a computer, as a peripheral equipment to print barcodes. These printers are generally supported for user by the  label design softwares, resolution, type and size labels to be used to print barcodes.

♦ Barcode printers have two methods to print: Using direct thermal impact on thermal paper to create streaks ink, or transfer thermal to wax or resin melted on the ribbon to create streaks ink.

♦ The selection of barcode printers are often depend on the capacity requirements of printing, the working conditions of the printer, barcode quality to match the intended use. You need to balance between price and configuration. A barcode printer has high configurable, will print more and convenient more for you,  its price also more expensive than a bar code printer has average configuration. Before buying a barcode printer, you should ask the seller to give you a brochure with technical characteristics of barcode printers. Mainly the following parameters:

  1. Printhead Resolution : At a minimum you must have a barcode printer has a resolution of 203-300 dpi to print labels with image quality clear.
  2. Maximium Print Width = MPW : Depending on the type of label that you can choose the width to suit the requirements. The average printer often MPW = 104mm. Some other companies can print labels with a larger size. So you must pay attention to this.dauin
  1. Data Memory (SDRAM): In barcode printer have two memory type are flash memory (system memory) and SDRAM (memory data). When you need to print labels with high volume or print labels with many graphics, the printer should have enough to SDRAM can store all that data. A barcode printer should have a minimum of 2MB – 4MB SDRAM.
  2. Material (Media Type) : In addition to the paper is the main print media, the label printer can print on the other printed materials such as synthetic paper, aluminum foil,… You should consult the seller to be introduced appropriate barcode printer.
  3. Print Speed : You should have a barcode printer with high speed to be able to print with high volume in the shortest time period. At a minimum you should have a barcode printer with speeds from 2-8 IPS (inches per second).